Professional Spa Services and Treatment
This elaborate service relieves stress in your back, neck and shoulder areas while also focusing on your scalp to improve blood circulation. You’ll feel absolutely renewed!

Microblading is a new beauty treatment that allows you to have perfect eyebrows using the semi-permanent makeup technique performed hair by hair, allowing you to modify the shape and color of the eyebrow.
Attenuates skin aging. Takes care of reducing or eliminating fine wrinkles. Suppresses dead cells. It minimizes acne marks and small scars. It is good for blood circulation, making the skin more oxygenated and healthier. Also, reduces spots.

Spa Services
Platelet Rich Plasma helps tone muscles and help skin regain its firmness, toughness and stay in place.
Platelet Rich Plasma helps tone muscles and help skin regain its firmness, toughness and stay in place. If applied to the scalp, it offers the benefit of stimulating healthy hair growth in cases of alopecia, combined with dermapen helps to promote collagen production and is effective in reducing fine lines, wrinkles , minimizes stretch marks, scars and acne marks. $240 dls (reg. Price 300) Call to schedule your appointment at 956 627 5317 and 956 400 2178
The most important therapeutic properties of CBD, demonstrated with different quality of evidence, are anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective analgesic, etc., among others. For sale here with us. Ask for more information!

Kinetic type and lymphatic massage class with wood therapy to offer you more and better services. See our special section on Holistic services.

Tibetan bowls have been used in Eastern systems of medicine and philosophy for therapeutic purposes for thousands of years.
The authentic Tibetan bowls are composed of the alloy of seven metals (gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, mercury and tin) that correspond to the seven celestial bodies; to the seven chakras. According to these philosophies, any alteration in physical, mental or emotional health has to do with an imbalance, with a vibrational imbalance. That is, when certain cells begin to vibrate at a different frequency from the rest of the body, these cells become ill. Tibetan bowls have been used to modify cell structure by altering its vibration. Of course, the cells of the nervous system are also affected (to temper agitation) and neurons (to achieve higher states of consciousness and greater clarity or harmony of mind).
I invite you to learn Reiki, a Japanese technique recognized by the World Health Organization as an alternative and complementary therapy,
Learn how to connect and use the power of Universal Energy to heal your body, mind, soul, and spirit. Class guided by the specialist in Chromotherapy, Angélica therapist and teacher registered in Reiki Usui by the Association of Reiki Professionals of the United States Norma Hernandez.
Do you want to learn the beautiful technique of Reiki Usui? This will teach you to balance your chakras and clean your auric field. It will also give you the opportunity to work in your spare time and generate income in these times that an extra income is very important. For each reiki therapy you can charge 60 dollars for the 45 min session. And you will be instructed by Professor Norma Hernandez Professor of Reiki Usui
Reiki Angelico
Doctor of Medical Biomagnetism, Auriculotherapy and Chromotherapy
The certification class will be this Sunday March 15 from 11am to 5pm. Call for more information at 956 400 2178